Hatha Yoga Workshop With Asana alignment and Pranayama
Hatha Yoga Workshop With Asana alignment and Pranayama 22 September 2019 / Bucharest / By Yogi Trupta from India This… Citește mai mult »Hatha Yoga Workshop With Asana alignment and Pranayama
Hatha Yoga Workshop With Asana alignment and Pranayama 22 September 2019 / Bucharest / By Yogi Trupta from India This… Citește mai mult »Hatha Yoga Workshop With Asana alignment and Pranayama
We are happy to announce that the registration for the Yoga Therapy workshop on monday 08 october held by Trupteesh… Citește mai mult »Yoga Therapy Workshop with Yogi Trupteesh from India
Te invit la Potluck Veggie Brunch (27 Noiembrie, orele 11-15.00), un eveniment care aduna oameni pasionati de mancare sanatoasa si… Citește mai mult »Potluck Veggie Brunch – 27 Noiembrie